Aluminium foil heart Valentines day

Aluminium foil heart – Valentines day gift idea

Aluminium foil art is something we love! It is completely mess free and creates cool stained glass effect. My daughter wanted to make a gift for her teacher for Valentine’s day. We decided to go with our beloved aluminium foil art.
You may be interested to check out our previous work with Aluminium foil – Aluminium foil stained glass painting and Aluminium foil flowers

Materials needed :

1. Aluminium foil

2. Cereal box

3. Yarn

4. Pencil

5. Sharpie

6. Knife to cut the cereal box

7. Ruler

8. Scissors

9. Clear tape

Method :

1. Cut the cereal box into a heart shape with the knife. Draw horizontal and vertical lines using ruler and pencil covering the entire heart. We did not measure the space between the lines.

2. Make small slit at beginning and ending of every line.

3. Attach the end of the yarn at the back of the box with the tape. Bring it front through the adjacent slit.  Bring the yarn all the way through the heart and take it back through the slit on the opposite side.

4. Bring the yarn all the way through the heart at the back side and take it to the front using the next slit. We are wrapping the yarn around the heart. Please refer picture.

4. When you reach the last slit, cut the yarn and attach it to the back of the heart with a piece of tape.

5. Repeat the same process for the vertical lines.
6. Cut out the aluminium foil slightly bigger than the heart. Wrap the front side of the heart with the aluminium foil and fold all sides to the back. Gently press the foil using a cloth.

7. Color the rectangles with Sharpie if required. The heart was looking beautiful without coloring too. The beautiful aluminium foil heart is done!

Hope you enjoyed reading the post! You may be interested in our other Valentine’s day ideas.  See you soon on an another Valentine’s day gift idea!

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8 thoughts on “Aluminium foil heart – Valentines day gift idea”

  1. What a cute craft to share with my grandchildren. They are going to think that Grandma is the coolest! Thank you for sharing this with those of us who are creative-challenged. 🙂

  2. Pingback: 50+ Awesome, Quick, and Easy Kids Craft Ideas for Valentines Day

  3. Pingback: Epic 40+ Valentine Day Crafts for Older Kids to Make

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