My toddler is into pretend play lately. The best play she likes is cooking. She is cooking, serving, cooking, serving. Hope she keeps up her cooking interest when she grows up and makes our life easier. She plays with real and fake food. I wondered whether she knew the difference. We did this simple and fun matching activity just to learn about both.
We took the real and plastic of
1. Tomato
2. Potato
3. Orange
4. Pineapple
5. Banana
6. Strawberry
in 2 separate baskets.
I took out one of the items from the real basket and kept it on the mat. I encouraged my daughter to pick the corresponding one from the plastic. She did not have any problem in choosing the corresponding item. Asked her to keep it near the real item.
She wanted to play again. We switched the role. I picked from the fake basket and asked her to match with the real one. When she touched tomato and strawberry, she said cold. She could not say heavy, while lifting pineapple but said she can’t lift it. I got the chance to introduce the word “heavy” to her. She was fascinated by the hard and bumpy skin of pineapple
We were playing again and again switching roles and making different observations every time.
Once she got bored, she started her favorite transferring activity.
This simple activity kept my daughter’s attention for a very long time.
Thank you for reading the post. Hope you liked it!
Happy matching!
Wonderful sure she enjoyed as well as learnt!
Thanks Poetic Mommy