I asked my 8 year old a very simple question, “How will you make a paint chip or any other paper stand on its own without folding it?”. I added that she could use only scissors for her project. I choose paint chip as it is thicker than copier paper. This can also be done with card stock.
Initially, her idea was to make the paint chip lean on the scissors. I reminded the word “on its own”. Since I had given her scissors, she started cutting the paint chip. She was thinking that cutting would reduce the size which would make it stand. When she could not make the small piece stand, she folded it and made it stand.
We tried in ordinary paper also. It was little tricky to make it stand.
We found that if the base length of the paint chip (width side rather than length side)is longer, it required less widening.
She cut few paint chips and told that those were people holding hands. A simple project got transformed to a science experiment and to a pretend play.
You may be interested in reading how we studied the effect of plastic bags on plants .
Have you tried making paper stand? Did your kid(s) enjoy?
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