My preschooler got hooked up with painting making prints after we did our Kitchen scouring pad wreath painting. She even has an idea to paint with dried play dough. We are yet to implement that. Meanwhile we made this Christmas tree painting using Broccoli.
Materials needed
- A Broccoli floret
- Tempera paint
- Paper – We used printer paper
- As the name implies, the Christmas tree was painted using a broccoli. Pour the green paint in a wide pan. Dip the broccoli in the paint and stamp it on the paper.
- We started with 6 dabbing on the first row and reduced one by one as we moved up to maintain the Christmas tree shape. It is fun when the painting involves Math too.
- The painting effect was so beautiful. My daughter was pressing so hard that I could see few Broccoli pieces in the painting. Beautiful!
- Continue dipping and printing till the tree is completed!
It is so simple that my preschooler did 3 paintings in 5 minutes. It gave her instant satisfaction.
What do you think about our simple painting?
Check out our Christmas Wreath and Christmas light painting ideas too.

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