We made a beautiful poppy flowers art using milk jug to welcome spring. The weather is getting better. I could hear birds chirping. What a right time to create poppy flowers? I have shared many simple flower painting ideas like stamped flowers using cup or watercolor tulip. Even we had painted poppies using water balloons. This idea is to create poppy using milk jug. A perfect recycle project for spring.

Simple flower painting ideas!
Materials need to paint poppy flowers:
- Empty milk jug
- Marker
- Acrylic paint
- Paint brushes
- Scissors
- Printer paper
- School glue
- A lid to use as a circle template
Method used for this milk jug recycled project:
- Draw circles on the milk jug using a lid and marker. I did not take picture of this step. I have used the picture from our milk jug flower wreath idea.
- Cut out the circles with scissors. Surprisingly, it is pretty simple to cut milk jug.
- Color the circles with acrylic paint. We used orange and red. Apply another coat if required.
- Let the circless dry. Apply yellow dot at the center of the flower.
- Again, let the flowers dry completely.
- Arrange and glue them on the printer paper using school glue
- Draw the stem with marker.
The simple and beautiful poppy flowers are done! What do you think about them?
You may be interested in our other simple projects. Click the pictures below to read about them.
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Thanks for reading the post. Hope you found it interesting. You may be interested in our other painting activitie too.